Sunday 6 January 2013

2013's here!

Back for the new year guys!

So what's been up in J-land recently... So-called revision for January exams, first parents meet of sixth form, a short trip to the land of the francais and other not-very-exciting things. But let's not talk about the past...2013 has finally come round (we survived the mayan apocalypse yay!) and with a new year comes new opportunities and new memories to be made, so hope that goes as planned!

Here's a list of 'Serious Resolutions' I've made (they're on here now, so I have no excuses to be breaking them):

  1. Use Time more wisely. I don't think I fully utilise the hours of the day and so I'd like to change that a bit. I wake up around 7:45 every morning and sleep at around 11:00 pm. And out of those hours, the number of hours I work is so minimal. A girl I know was saying that she goes to tuition at 7am on Sundays while i'm usually rolling in my sleep and it made me realise people around me are working hard and that I should be too if I want to get what I want. I want to wake up earlier and work for longer than I do now. I don't intend to change 'bedtime' though because lack of sleep has terrible effects on me but hopefully this new time arrangement thing will help me this year. 
  2. Healthier lifestyle. Typical on most people's list I think but I know health has a big effect on the mind, body and soul so this should be useful over the next few years if it all goes as planned. I want to eat more greens and exercise more and definitely drink more water.
  3. Get more work experience/extracurriculars done. This time next year I'll be at interviews (let's hope i'm that fortunate) and to get there I have a few months to do lots of things to make my Personal Statement pop. A few months of hard work and mass effort is going to be worth it if it gets me a place at university.
It's out now, I just gotta stick to it.

I hope this year's a great one, work hard and play hard buddies: HAPPY NEW YEAR!

j x

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