Sunday 3 March 2013

Day 3 Ultrasounds, Admin and Code Blue

Much overdue, i'm sorry!

So day 3 started with me running into the Ultrasound room late. I saw one of the Medical students earlier so I missed my doctor walk past. When I got into Ultrasound I saw many patients, a lot of different people. Some people wanted to know their baby's sex and some didn't, for some it was their first child but for others it was second or third etc. The nurses did a lot of helping so it was useful to see how important they are. Watching the baby's organs was interesting and it made me realise how important technology is in areas like prenatal medicine. After half a day doing this, I was taken to do some admin. I arranged envelopes. It was dull but it has to be done. I met the male medical student who said he'd enjoyed the past 2 days and that he couldn't think of anything he'd done that would put him off medicine-it was good to hear! I later went to the labour ward where I met the other medical student. She had seen 2 C-sections that day and was telling me about them. There was a code blue which meant the mother in theatre was bleeding so a lot of blood was being carried up and down the corridors. I just sat there addressing envelopes, but I learnt a bit about issuing NHS numbers to newborns.

That was the end of my 3 days. I really enjoyed, I didn't expect it to be so good. It's helped me decide that medicine is definitely what I want to do. :)

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